Seth turned 8 this month! He will be baptized on Saturday. Seeing him in this uniform and imagining his baptism is melting my heart. I love him so much. He is truly a good boy. We enjoy his sense of humor and sweet presence in our family.
He has been taking piano lessons (from me) for the last few months and it has been such a good time together. I have been surprised with how well he is doing and how willing he is. He is now playing songs on the grand staff. This week he started a song that has notes in the bass cleff and treble cleff at the same time. He counts out loud and learns fast. Soooo cute! We are just getting to the hard stuff so I realize I may be singing a completely different tune very soon. Learning an instrument is hard work!
He had a pool party in Granny and Grandpa's backyard. My pictures from the party are not great. I think my camera was on a wacky setting by accident. Oh well, I still want them in my record so we can smile and remember this day 10 years from now. He had a Toy Story 3 Cake. Kyle gave him a baseball and glove and they play catch in the evenings...again my heart melting. Another gift Seth was so excited for was his diary. He recently read all of the Diary of a Wimpy Kid books. He asked me several times for a diary for his birthday so I found him one that has a lock and key. He hides the key in a little clock that granny gave has a little drawer and he painted it himself. He seems so much older now at 8. My heart is melting a lot lately.
Seth and Julian. They are in the same primary class and have the same teacher for 3rd grade in the fall.
Kyle is looking awesome. Too bad it's so blurry. He is about to catch the yellow football in the upper right corner.
Violet has been swimming this week without her life jacket! I took off her life jacket one day at the rec center and she swam around in the zero entry pool. It seemed like she was doing some real swimming in that shallow water. So at Seth's party I let her swim to me. The first time she sank and I wasn't sure we should keep trying. I had her practice kicking from the steps and practice using her arms. Then we tried again and she did great! She is very proud of herself. I warned you this post was over the top. I'm indulging.