Saturday, December 26, 2009

BYU roommate reunion

We started up in the dorms freshman year and then moved to the Elms Apartments. We were the the fabulous #W36 also known as "Entropy". These girls were so much fun to live with! Here we are ten years later.
Pictured: Melissa Redding, Emily Dunford, Tiffany Lewis, Lindsay Lewis, Christy Jacobs.

We had a program the first night. It included photos, poetry reading, memories, burning a pinata, and even some video footage. Tiffany is a great writer (all credit to her for the program). Read her take on the weekend here.

We had a pajama exchange for old times sake. Melissa and I ended up with the same pants this time! One year in "Entropy" Emily was given a fabulous red onesie with a trap door in the rear. She danced around and sang silly songs for us in that great get-up.