Monday, August 2, 2010

Pioneer Day

We joined up with two other stakes for the annual Pioneer Day Parade. Our ward was given a train theme. You can see jonah in a blue train box. It was so hot and my trains for the kids were falling apart. Violet started balling when the front of her train fell off. I ducked taped straps on it (like Kyle told me to do the night before) but she was already spent before the parade started. My friend who made them with me said she did glue gun, duck tape, super glue, everything the night before and hers fell apart too. I guess we needed to bolt everything together! For next time, I guess. Actually next year we are doing wagons and scooters!!

Violet is wearing a bonnet I got on church history trip in high school. I've been saving in my closet for something like this. It was worth the saving.

A fire truck hooked a hose up to the hydrant and sprayed out over the park. They boys were elated for the moisture... and the mud.

We were all wet and it felt so good.

Jonah is happy.