Thursday, July 24, 2008

Inspiring, Touching Blog

I just finished reading through this blog:

It is written by an LDS mother in Vegas who recently lost her baby girl, Camille, to drowning. I do not know her, but I had heard about this blog earlier and told myself I would not read it. I was afraid it would be too upsetting. Then I read on a friend's site that yes it is upsetting, but also very touching and makes you want to be a better person and mother. I thought I would share the link on my blog too. The mother is a very good writer; she expresses her thoughts and feelings often poetically. She is enduring well and that is what life is about. I will remember her example when trials come to myself, my husband and my children. With such tragedy, it would be easier to completely fall apart and not carry on. And much harder to pick yourself up, the best way you know how, and continue to contribute to the world around you. I think all of us have experienced losses and trials and can relate to some degree. What a beautiful blog.